Human Resources


Human Resources

Taking care of its human resources, which the CAD IT Group has always thought of as its most precious asset, is a central and critical factor for a company that aims at innovation within an ever-changing and fast-moving sector.

From the very beginning, CAD IT has favoured an organizational climate and a style of leadership that pay careful attention to the needs of its own human resources.

The CAD IT Group's constant and priority commitments are to preventing accidents, protecting the health and safety of its staff during the performance of corporate activities, spreading and consolidating a culture of safety in the workplace, developing an awareness of the risks and promoting the responsible behaviour of all its employees.


Consistent on-going training programmes lead to the development of know-how, innovative abilities and the systematic transfer of skills in a continual improvement process of human resources, staff motivation and involvement in company objectives.

More than 10,000 hours per year of training underline the CAD IT Group's commitment to the professional development of its human resources.

European Contributions

CAD IT SPA obtained funds from Regione Veneto in POR FESR 2007-2013 CRO PART ACTION 1.1.3 "CONTRIBUTIONS FOR USE BY COMPANIES OF QUALIFIED STRUCTURES FOR 'RESEARCH'  ACTIVITY- Measure II - for the realization of the project: implementation of new organizational models for innovative software solutions for Fashion and Food & Beverage companies.